January 7, 2020
I'm leaving Sister Smith tomorrow!!! Oh how the tears will pour 😭 It's true, I'm being transfered up to the myjestical land of Barrow-in-Furness and I will be companions with Sister Johnson!! I'm actually very very excited for this change because it is SO needed. Also, we have a car up in Barrow! Ah it looks so far away though.... feels like they're banishing me. On the brightside, I'll be near the Lake District! Exciting!
This week Sister Smith and I BOTH were sick. Friday was a day of sleep. The saddest part was that it was the one sunny day this week with no rain! What's up with that??
In Bury there are loads of street performers all over. There is this one who we see every single day, and because he's always singing, we've never talked to him. We named him Joshie and some of his squad members Roderick, Angela, and Chandler. (Remember Falcon from Shrewsbury??) On Sunday we were out street contacting in Bury when we saw Joshie walking, and we stopped him and said hi. He actually is the nicest kid, and is named Rhys (pronounced Reese). Turns out he has a friend on a mission in Berlin, but he doesn't know much about the church. This next week the sisters will be getting to meet with him hopefully!
Alin came to church this last Sunday, and after sacrament he came up to me, grabbed my shoulders and said, "I asked God the question and he gave me the answer". A week ago we asked him to pray and ask what God's plan is for him, and he told us that God really needs him to serve Him. He told us how he can't serve two masters and needs to avoid contention.
This last transfer was a rough one for me. I'm very thankful for the growth that has come from it though and all the important lessons I have learned. Everyday I come to see more and more how this is the Lord's church and Hid hand is in everything. I love looking around and seeing that "all things denote there is a God". So very blessed to be living in this last dispensation!
Much love!
Xx- Sister Sellick
1. New Mission President coming soon to a theatre near you. 1 July, 2020😎
2. Sister Smith was eating "blueberries" hmmmm... I dunno if I trust her🤔
3. The most yummiest/Asian tea appointment ever!!! Love the Tran's!!!
4. Glamour Shot😘😍
5. Um we had these feet mask booties?? We wore them when we were sick because that's when we had time & it was an out of body experience 👾 😂