This week we found out that my comp's mom changes her emails 🧐

January 1, 2020

Happy New Year! I honestly can't believe that this year is over. I started out back home not having a clue in the world how much this year was going to change and affect my life. Now I'm here and I'm so thankful that I have experienced all that I have- the good and the bad. I think that the best thing I have achieved this last year, is that I have come closer to Christ and have become more like Him. That's not to say I'm perfect at it everyday, but I truly have done my best to come to Him. This next year that is my main goal. Become even MORE like Christ. Don't just know of Him, but KNOW Him.

This last week has been a bit rocky because I've come down with a minor cold. All it's really done to me is make me a bit more tired. We did do a lot better with finding this week though! We found Natasha, Abu, Daniel, and Jasmine! All while we were out street contacting. That sure made being sick easier haha!

This week we were able to teach Alin again! He is very talkative so it can be difficult at times to actually teach him. We tried our best and were able to talk about at least the first half of the Plan of Happiness.

For New Year's Eve last night we went to a family in our ward and played games with them! It was so fun! 

I'm not too sure what else to put in here? All I know is that this was a good week and I'm happy!

Much love! Here's to another good year!

Xx- Sister Sellick 

Ps- if you haven't written me or sent me any pics in a while, please do! I love knowing what's going on with you 😊

1. Honhonhon I totally got a beret 🥐 
2. Pic taken at exactly 12:00 am on 1 January, 2020 😎
3. I love England because you can go to a café and they'll have backed potatoes & chilli & it's so good everytime.