The Nephites Always Win...

November 26, 2019

That is when they are keeping the commandments. And especially when they are two missionaries and Sister Brereton playing Kahoot, haha! On Tuesday last week the Young Women in the ward wanted to do a service project for all the leaders in the ward, and served us tea, with entertainment provided. Part of the entertainment was a game of Kahoot quizzing our knowledge on 80's music. Sister Smith and I were SO pumped, but couldn't figure out what our team name would be. After a few panicked minutes of "Maybe we should be the Gadianton Robbers??" and "No no, they always lose!" we settled on 'The Nephites'. Poor Sister Brereton (a member in our ward ☺) had no idea what was going on, but she was pretty excited when we won.

Speaking of which, you'll never believe this, but the Sister Smith mentioned above is not the same Sister Smith from my past emails!! Although the new transfer starts this week, last Monday they had to pull the ol' switcharoo a bit early for us. Sister Smith (Tahiti) was moved to St. Helens, and Sister Smith (new) came from Ashton! For some reason everyone keeps saying we look like twins and we DO NOT see it!! It doesn't help when we say the exact same thing at the same time... Haha, we promise it's not planned! Except the next time someone asks, we want to both reply with, "We're not twins!" 😂

Anyway, we are having proper fun together! Lots of things to be happy about though. All over the area there are Christmas lights. The Christ Child is the best thing since sliced bread. Also, Light the World is the BEST. We had THREE friends at church on Sunday! We have loads of Pumpkin Pie. There are lots of Prepared People. And I get to spend Christmas with Sister Smith! This for sure is going to be a December to Remember! There is a goal in the mission to have every companionship have a baptism in December! We are very determined to find who, in our area, is being prepared to be baptised. I'm confident someone is out there. We have a few people in mind, it's just a matter of securing appointments, and not letting them weasel their way out of them, haha!

Currently I have high hopes for Gentille, Belyze, and Grace. Three of the cutest sisters! Right now we are trying to overcome the barrier of how we are the ONLY church with Priesthood authority and power. Slowly trying to get that into their minds. They still are along the mindset of, 'if our pastor has faith in Jesus then He'll give him His power'. Not exactly, but we're working on it... I firmly belive that once we resolve this, everything else will fall into place.

For our other friend, Nooshin, it's the same concern. She can speak English fairly well, but trying to explain Priesthood power has been difficult. She is in pretty much the same situation as the three sisters.

That's the most exciting bits of our week! I hope that all of you across the pond in the Colonies enjoy Thanksgiving and have an extra slice of pie for me :')

Much love!
xx- Sister Sellick

Lots of pics this week hehe-

1. Sister Smith came to Whitefield with a small wheel of BLACK cheese?? So what did we do? Have black grilled cheese of course.
2. Yay for Christmas lights everywhere!
3. Green soup to celebrate TEN MONTHS IN THE MISSION!! 
4. How do ya like that? My compy is strong 💪
5. I played the piano for the first time at a funeral, and let's just say that Florence was taken in style 😎
6. Everytime we've had pumpkin pie this week, I end up spilling it :')
7. Selfie :))))))) ❄