"The Field is White Already to Harvest"

October 15, 2019
That's right, you heard me! I'm off to Whitefield and leaving my beloved Shrewsbury behind. Sad, but exciting!

I think the hardest part of leaving an area is leaving the people. I love people. And I love all the people here in Shrewsbury! I didn't think I could love a group of people as much as I loved the Telford ward, but I was wrong! I get along with everyone too well, it's a curse and a blessing! More so a blessing. When you love the people, you're more dedicated to serving them, and you're more dedicated to serving the Lord.

A family I know I will absolutely miss, is Liz Thomas and her boys. They are a returning member family we've been working with since before I was here. This last week was absolutely miserable for them. They've been struggling with some family drama, but still made it out to the Book of Mormon class. After the class I promised Liz that Heavenly Father is listening to her, and will bless her. That night too many different things happened that left her thinking, "Where is God in all of this?" I had no answer for her. That hurt. I know God is there. He is always there, but in the circumstances of this situation, I get that it would be difficult to recognize His blessings. Satan is working so hard on this little family and it hurts me to see him taking so many punches. We've been checking on Liz everyday, and she hasn't been well at all. To relieve a bit of her stress we went over and helped her clean her home and fix one of her son's rooms with a new shelf. While we did we were able to talk so much with her about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. She has a knowledge about it, now she just needs to apply it in her heart. I won't get to help, but luckily Sister Bishop can!

Aww man, I'm sad to leave, but ready to go! I need a change, I'm ready for a change haha. I'm also ready to have a companion who isn't from America. Then when someone says, "Americans? Again?" I can grin and go, "Nope!" That should be nice haha! Oh, right, by the way, my new companion is named Sister Smith, and she's from... um? Tahiti? Haha, I guess I'll find out tomorrow and report back next week. Oops.

Honestly that's been my week. I've had a feeling I'd be leaving for a while now, so I worked extra hard this last week to help those around me. I'd say it was a success :)

Well, see ya next week!
xx-Sister Sellick

1. Sis. Bishop & I :))
2. Sis. Ott & I on an exchange!
3. The shelf that I built ft. Tinker Bell
2. TINKER BELL <3 haha she is such a spaz of a dog honestly