It all started with the mustard seeds

January 20,2020

I don't even know what to say about this week haha! It's been wild from start to finish. I think I'll just have to list a few top stories from the week and we can go from there 😂 

1. Zone Conference. 
It was a good one alright. There was an extra emphasis on meaningful prayer, and Sister Johnson and I have been trying our best. We most definitely have seen almost immediate results! Those stories will be down below... What I really took away was that when our prayers are specific, we can gain specific answers. Who would've thought? 

2. We're planning a wedding?? 
We've been mad stressed about her ALL WEEK. There are a few things that need to change and happen before she can get baptised, and we just haven't known how to address it all. So we just prayed. A lot. That we could know what to do and sort it out. When we went over and started to do our best in explaining it all, Alice looks at us and says, "Hold that thought" and disappears out of the room. She then comes back in WITH A RING ON HER FINGER. She told us that as of a few weeks ago she and her partner were deciding on getting married and are wanting to sort that out! Answer. To. My. Prayers. Sister Johnson and I just cried. We honestly could not believe that that happened. It just keeps on getting better. The ward is already so invested in it already, and it's going to be so nice! Stay tuned for March possibly?? I wish all of you could've been with us in our lesson on Sunday though, Alice was just throwing out all of these golden lines left and right. Here are a few... 
"The Book of Mormon is just the essence of positivity. You just have to be willing to find it." 
"You know what people are like outside of the church... they're afraid of what they don't understand!" 
"The Book of Mormon needs a movie... It worked well for Harry Potter." (no worries, she now knows about the videos haha 😂) 

3. Our 3 Nephite experience??? 
Saturday was just downright WILD. We were on our way to go see a member, and the guide took us on this back, windy, Country Road. It was beautiful, but we had to take it slow because too many other cars were whipping around the corners real fast. So much so that as we were going, a HUGE car came out of no where and was pretty much taking up the whole road. (Pretty sure that car isn't legal here??) We swerved out of the way, went through a very soft, muddy puddles shoulder, and made it back onto the road somehow. It all happened so fast, and before we knew it our car was steaming, covered in mud, and we had no idea what to do! Almost immediately though, this man appeared out of no where and helped us out, and made sure we made it safely into town. Then he was gone. I love what Sister Johnson said though when we were going over the story later...  "then this mini Cooper from heaven came from behind us and saved the day"! 

4. Coincidence, I think NOT
Friday we were out Street contacting, and I said hi to this man, but it was so odd. All three of us sort of just stopped and stared at each other, and then moved on?? Sister Johnson and I both just felt that we'd known him from somewhere else and felt so dumbfounded that he was gone before we could say anything. After that we just wanted to find him again and figure out his story. That night we prayed that we would find him again and be given an opportunity to speak with him. The next day was Saturday, when we found out that one of the 3 Nephites drives a Mini-Cooper remember? Due to that mess our car was all mucky and we decided it would be wise to get it washed so that we weren't getting our dresses and coats all messy. We headed to tesco, dropped the car off, and went inside to use their WiFi for a bit of phone contacting. While we were in, we knew we needed some cardstock for something we were working on with weekly planning and took a look around... I found some lovely Frozen stickers, and we went to check out. We struggled checking out and had to move around loads before I finally could get it to scan. Then I looked up and THE MAN WAS JUST THERE. We said hi, and Sister Johnson and I were once again speechless. He went, checked out, lingered for a minute, then left. We couldn't believe it! We somehow passed up this other opportunity to talk to him... But wait- THERE'S MORE. We started to leave and HE WAS THERE AGAIN. This time we struck up a Convo and got to know him. He is so nice and really interested, so hopefully it all goes somewhere haha. I know this story is SO long, but I'm convinced everything happens for a reason. Our car problems to going to tesco to finding stickers to taking forever to check out to John having to come back in to replace a bag to running into us. It was all perfectly timed... A little too perfect don't ya think? God plays a hand in everything, try and convince me otherwise I dare you. 

Everyday has been a wild ride for me, but I'm still happy and pushing on! Hopefully this isn't too wild of an email haha!

(ALSO I HIT ONE YEAR THIS WEEK AND IF THAT DOESN'T JUST ADD TO THE CRAZINESS THEN I DON'T KNOW WHAT DOES. Keep your eyes out for a sappy one-year email next week :')) 

Much Love
xx-Sister Sellick

1. Zone conf. pic in front of the temple
2. Pretty sunset 🌇