How's that one Bon Jovi song go again??

woahhhhhhhhh we're half way there!! woooooooooOah livin' on a prayer!

October 21, 2019

Yeah. That's pretty much my life at this point. Halfway through my time in England. Absolutely mental, aye? But hey, who's counting? (I'm looking at you Mom😘)
Anyway- I love Whitefield! And I love Sister Smith! Agh this is going to be such a brilliant transfer! We have been doing so well together and we are just laughing and smiling everywhere we go. She is indeed from Tahiti, and her first language are French and Tahitian. So exciting!
This week we have just been going out and trying our best to find those who are prepared. It has been fruitful! We have really been following the Spirit, and have found people everywhere. Its been difficult to set up return appointments for some odd reason, but as we get their contact information we are able to be persistent. One little miracle we had this week though, came when we weren't even out looking for it! We received a call from an unknown number during an appointment, and didn't get around to calling until the next day. A man from Leeds answered and told us that his friend from his company had called us the day before. He asked who we were, and we explained that we are missionaries in Whitefield who teach about Jesus Christ. He got pretty excited on the other end of the phone and said to us, "Woah that's so crazy! Lately I've been thinking more about this kind of stuff (religion) and I'm actually moving to Whitefield for a few weeks for work! What are the odds!?" Haha, no coincidences my friend! We sent him the link, and asked when he'd be here officially so that we could meet him and give him a Book of Mormon. Instead of answering our question, he clicked on the link, watched the video that is on the webpage, and messaged us back that he felt strange after watching. Immediately I knew he was meaning he'd felt the Spirit, he just didn't know that's what it was. We asked if it was a good kind of strange, and he said yep! We go on to explain that those good feelings are the Spirit, and they are completely normal! We told him that the more you feel the Spirit, the more you want to continue to feel the Spirit. He simply sent back, "I would like to feel it again." Haha Sister Smith and I were so excited. We told him that until we're able to get him a physical copy of the Book of Mormon, he can download it onto his phone. He said he'd download it right away! What a miracle he is! His name is Mark by the way :)
My favourite thing that Sister Smith keeps saying is, "We put the fire in Whitefield!" She means 'Whitefield is on fire', but I like the way she says it better! She is determined to make mircales happen, and I'm going to help! Our biggest struggle as a companionship so far is the language barrier. As in, the other day I didn't know how to explain to her what a pickle is. Yep. It was pretty funny! I'm also trying to teach her how to sing "I'm Trying to Be Like Jesus" and so far all we've got is, "...Jesus love YOU!! I'm trying to be kindness in all I do!!" We're slowly getting there😂
This has been my week! I have a feeling many good weeks are heading our way! Life is oh-so sweet right now!
Lots of Love!
xx-Sister Sellick

1. Pic taken approx. 5 seconds before I gulped down scalding-hot hot chocolate, burning my WHOLE mouth and throat :')
2. We were street contacing and heard this loud "Choo-choo!" So we investigated and found this fun old-fashioned train station!! Looks like the Hogwarts Express sort of? We were excited haha
3. Me & the train
4. Park Selfie!
5. Bye bye Sister Bishop <3