"Bonfire night is like a weak attempt to 'one-up' the Fourth of July."

November 4, 2019
Hey again! Somehow it's already p-day again haha, don't know how that happened, but here we are.

So turns out that I was maybe the only person excited for Halloween in the whole country. They'd rather celebrate the day that Guy Fawkes tried to burn down Parliament, and then was drawn and quartered :') On the brightside, everyone has been setting off fireworks and we can see so many from our window! Bonfire night hasn't even happened yet though? It's tomorrow on the 5th... Anyway, my subject line comes from a member I met this week who was trying to explain the concept of Bonfire night to me ๐Ÿ˜‚

Other than that, this week was cold, wet, and not too exciting. No helicopters landing in the middle of lessons. I mean, another drunk man tried to kiss me on Monday, so as one does, I shoved him away from me. Oh and get this, we found him in our phone contacts the next day haha! I looked at Sister Smith and said, "No way!! Look who it is!!"

We really tried our best this week to follow the Spirit. The best experience was that we were walking down a random road in Bury. I knew we needed to be there, but I didn't exactly know where we were going. Eventually a person pulled their car over, asked if we were missionaries and asked about what we do. We told him what we could, and he accepted the invitation to learn more! He seemed solid, but hasn't replied to our messages. That's how most people have been lately though. They don't reply to us! I'd appreciate it if you all could please pray for our friends that we are trying to work with. Pray that they'll have a desire to learn more! The names of our friends that we are really trying to work with are JayJay, Grace, Love, Paul, and Ayo.

Thank you all! Have a good week, and happy Bonfire night! (Make sure to check the wood for hedgehogs before lighting the fire๐Ÿ˜Š)

xx-Sister Sellick

1. Selfie pt.1
2. Selfie pt.2
3. Our Pumpkins!! ๐ŸŽƒ