A helicopter ruined my lesson.

October 28, 2019
Heyyyyy this week was such a random week haha!

First things first, Sister Smith & I were teaching a lesson to our friend Grace and it was going REALLY well. We are at the park in front of her home, and boy oh boy was the spirit strong! I was about to extend the most solid invitation ever, when a helicopter just landed next to us?? Haha, Satan sure tries hard. So what did we do? We went over took pictures with it (Grace insisted) then finished the lesson in front of the helicopter haha. Wild.

We went on exchanges this week in Manchester! It was so fun to get to work with the YSA and I really enjoyed it! We taught this real cute girl named Alex who is getting baptized next week! It was nice to teach someone who was my age for a change.

On Saturday our ward had a Halloween party! It was fun and everyone had costumes on, so as all missionaries do, we showed up with vampire fangs haha. Since stake conference was last Sunday, this was a lot of the ward's first time meeting me... I left a good impression for sure! I also got to take a pic with my fav bad, Queen <3 #blessed

Nothing too exciting aside from your regular missionary work happened though! We just went out everyday and worked hard!

Love you all!

xx-Sister Sellick

1. Me & the bois 
2. Grace & I!!
3. The Helicopter hahahahhahaha
4. My new teeth :')