Hello!! This has been a very fast week. It was honestly on 2.0x speed. Between zone conference and exchanges, it just flew by. It was also wet. Very wet. Nothing like I've ever experienced before! I swear the heavens just opened up, and Niagara Falls rained down on us.
This Zone conference was brilliant!! I feel like everything said, I needed to hear so bad. Especially President's closing remarks, it all really resonated with me. I loved a story he told about going white-water rafting. Missions, and life in general, have many exciting moments, like rapids, and many moments that are slower and a bit more laid back. It was essentially a 'modern-day parable.' Haha! I think I really do enjoy the Rapids more, they just tend to go by too fast! At least I was brave enough to get in the raft in the first place! So get this, I was asked to play this insanely difficult piano piece called "Jerusalem" for everyone to sing too. It's our mission song, and I really do like it, just not when I'm playing. Anyway, I didn't even get to play it!! I'll admit I was a little let down that I didn't get to play it though. The day before, I asked Sister Bishop if she could do her language study at the chapel so that I could practice the song on a piano. I played literally till my fingers hurt so bad that they were cramping! I guess I'll just have to wait until next time :')
Exchanges were fun as always. I've learned so much from Sister Palavi these past few transfers and we had a good exchange this last Thursday/Friday. We talked a lot about how we can help introduce the Word of Wisdom to Franklin & Diana, and I'm real excited for the lesson with them on Tuesday. I have so much faith that they will accept it! I just need to keep praying that they will!
Other than that, nothing too wild has happened this week. Other than some man who told me he was the 'Second coming of Jesus Christ'. Apparently because he has a crooked pinky on his right hand, he's been chosen? Oh, and spiderman is a sign of this do called 'second coming'. Yeah... I don't really get it either.
Well, be excellent to each other, and party on mates!