October 7, 2019
Welcome back to this week's weekly report. It was honestly just another typical missionary week, but this week had sprinkles on top because #generalconference.
Our Book of Mormon class started this week! Aside from Conference, that is probably the sort exciting thing that happened this week haha! The class went so well though! It was just an introduction to The Book of Mormon, but the Spirit was SO powerful, truly testifying of it's power. I was grateful to have one of our returning members, Liz, and her non-member husband, Paul, there. I'm sure they felt the Spirit! The Spirit was so thick that there was no denying that it was there. Now it's just a matter of helping them recognize that they were feeling the Spirit.
Sister Bishop and I really, honestly, tried this week. Prayed everyday to be extra aware of spiritual promptings, and we were! I'd love to say that we saw many miracles and found so many new, solid friends, but we didn't. Or at least, I haven't seen the direct miracles yet. We went to areas that the Spirit directed us to, and went and tracted and called by and street contacted and did what we could as directed by the Spirit. It was rough not seeing success, but as always, I smiled anyway. It's hard to always smile, especially when it's cold and the number of sober people decrease as it gets later, but we keep pushing on. Even if my circumstances aren't the most ideal, at least Christ is my focus and I'm happy with that. I think that sometimes the Spirit directs us in ways that won't have the results we want, just so that Heavenly Father can see if we'll be obedient and follow His direction. That's what makes the Saviour so essential in our daily lives. When we can't see why we're doing something, He is there to remind us that it's all for Him. What we desire as a result is outweighed by what He ends up giving us. What Christ and Heavenly Father give us ends up being so much grander than what we wanted. Even if for now it's the feeling of being a successful missionary based on my efforts, I'll take it! I'd rather feel joyful and successful than not!
I absolutely loved Conference. So many questions I didn't even knew I had were answered, and I'm so grateful! I don't think I've ever loved or needed a conference more. Ah my heart was really touched by the Spirit and I felt so at peace.
Honestly as I reflect back on this week, I am recognizing that I truly did have my constant prayer of wanting to recognize spiritual guidance answered! I prayed more to feel the Spirit more, and I did! Haha see! This is what I'm saying, Heavenly Father did give me something more grand! I think I was just expecting to be guided to who needed us, but honestly Heavenly Father guided me back to Him. Oh boy this is good. Haha it's funny how when I feel like I don't have much to share from my week, then as I reflect I see so much! I was really feeling like I wasn't seeing too much, but really, so much growth happened! Haha this happens literally everytime I write one of these. Good times.
Well, I guess I had a really good week then. My relationship with my Father in Heaven has gotten so much stronger as I've learned to trust Him more, and if that isn't pure gold then I don't know what is.
Hopefully if you actually read all of this that it made sense and that you take something from it. Long story short, pray to Heavenly Father! I dare you, take your desires to Him, and I promise that as you do as the Spirit directs, you will be blessed! And your relationship with Heavenly Father will improve. Double the blessings! Don't forget- He hears you. He knows your name. He loves you. He will bless you.
Much love!
xx-Sister Sellick