A Drunk Man Tried to Kiss Me (NOT Click-Bait!)

I'm so sorry that literally every week lately I've started my emails saying I'm sick, but hey, that's me in a nutshell for ya! Haha okay so basically I've just been hit with sickness after sickness after sickness. It's almost like the germs are kicking me while I'm down. This week it's been a stuffy head cold, and my head has just ached. Part of the problem might be that I'm too determined to be a devoted missionary, and I don't want to let the sickness stop me, so I go out anyway. I'm convinced there are miracles waiting for us, but they aren't going to be found in our flat, so I'm not willing to call in sick and stay in. I'd rather be out doing good and seeking out the blessings and people here in Shrewsbury who need us. Unfortunately we did have to call in yesterday and take a bit of time to rest, but we went out in the evening anyway because I wanted to go out and say hello to people. 

This week I was upset that physical sicknesses have been holding me back. I was a bit worried that I was too unmotivated to go out because I was nervous to get more sick. On Saturday I was feeling desperate to rekindle my desires to be a missionary and remember why I wanted to come out in the first place. I re-read my call letter, my acceptance letter that I sent back, and my ministerial certificate. As I reflected back to a year ago (exactly!!) to when I'd opened my call letter, I remembered all the exciting emotions and spirit I'd felt. My acceptance letter reflected those emotions in statements such as, "I look forward to losing myself in the work amongst my brothers and sisters" and "I am unbelievably excited to be called to serve among the people in Manchester". Even just the simple phrase of "...the bearer, Sister Olivia Renée Sellick who is in full fellowship with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has duly been called and set apart as a missionary of the Church and as such had authority to preach the principles of the Gospel. We invite all people to heed her message" on my ministerial certificate brought hope to me. Although my body hasn't been at it's best, my desire to be a missionary is still there. Rereading all of those sort of awoke a greater anxiety in me to be more aware of my brothers and sisters around me. Saturday was such a good day for us! We didn't find anyone new to teach, but we were talking with everyone and smiling and laughing all day! I felt satisfied with my efforts and was so grateful to be surrounded by so many different and amazing people. I know that my call to serve as a missionary here in England, and even in Shrewsbury, truly has been inspired of God! There has been no mistake in having me be here, because I need these people in my life. A year ago when I received my call I had no idea how much of an impact this would all have on me, but I'm grateful that I've acted on my faith and come! God is with us, and miracles surround us.

So to explain my subject line hahahaha as missionaries, we just attract a lot of unwanted attention sometimes. Lately more and more older men have been hitting on me, & I'll admit it makes my skin crawl. RIP in peace me!! So we were hopping on a bus, right? Typically we let everyone else get on the bus before us so that we can make sure they have seats and such. Sometimes there are a few stragglers who get to the end of the line just after us, and we'll let them move ahead, expect this time. Haha this older man who just wreaked of beer came behind us. "No, no. Beauty can get on the bus first." So we climbed on, I sat down with the intention of speaking to the ladies behind me, but the drunk man (!!) sat next to me! He just started talking to me and honestly I just could not understand him. The drunk, slurred English accent almost sounds alien. I could tell he was trying to tell me jokes? I only barely understood one about goldfish and he told me I really needed to remember that one for "pound a pint mondays" in Liverpool. He said I'd have everyone in stitches! Haha I just laughed because I was uncomfortable. So the time comes for him to get off the bus right? He says thank you, it was nice to meet such a lovely young lady, and then he swoops in for a kiss!!!!!!!!!! Hahaha I #swerved SO hard and just firmly said, "No thanks!!" Haha so yeah. I guess I'm cute and all, but sometimes I'd rather look like the crypt-keeper to avoid scares like this. 

There are a few stories and thoughts from my week, hope you enjoyed and are doing well!

Lots of Love!
xx-Sister Sellick