Haha- This is a long one...

So sit down, buckle up, and enjoy the ride!

July 15, 2019

I've had another real great week! Everyday this week I feel like I've experienced good exhaustion at the end of the day. That and I've been suffering from hay-fever I think... it hasn't been too bad, I've just noticed I get tired faster. Nothing that has held me back from being a missionary though! The work never stops, even when you're a bit poorly! 

This week I was given the opportunity to give a training at District Council on Tuesday. I was anxious to give it though, because I'd been given little time to prepare it. However, it was interesting how well it all came together! Through a bit of prayer and study, Heavenly Father really gave me the spiritual strength that was needed. Funny how preparing/giving a training on the importance of having the companionship of the Holy Ghost helped me realize how important it is to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost! It was almost like it was more for me than anyone else... I kept trying to imagine my life without the Holy Ghost, and what it must be like, but I just couldn't. Trying to imagine my life without the Holy Ghost was quite difficult, and I think that's when it really hit me how important His role is. Remembering the quote from Come Follow Me earlier this year then brought it all home for me. "For we know that if we can be worthy of the presence of the Holy Ghost, we can also be worthy to live in the presence of Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ." I've come to the conclusion that since all I've known is a life with the Spirit, that that's all I want to continue to know. As I continue to stay worthy, I'll be able to faithfully and happily return the presence of my Saviour and Heavenly Father.

We had a good week of getting to see so many different returning members. I've discovered that I have so much love for all of them! They truly are trying their best, and it breaks my heart that they struggle getting to church on Sundays. Much to my surprise though, most of them still pray everyday to Heavenly Father. I love that this is something that most of them set as a priority. I'm not sure if I was expecting them not to, it just warms my heart that they still want a relationship with Heavenly Father. 

Right now my mind cannot handle that the transfer ends next week!! About once a day, Sister Biggs and I say to each other, "Where has the time gone!?" Time sure flies when you're having fun, and when you love being a missionary! Being dedicated to the work is something I'm finding that I love. Making friends, teaching, working with members, I love it all!

Speaking of which, I've been studying in Alma these past couple of days, and have been absolutely amazed at the dedication of the Sons of Mosiah in their missionary work. They are cast into prison, and once freed, go back to "declare the word" (Alma 21). The Lord blessed them in which they were able to bring many to the truth, including Lamoni's father. As he is taught about Christ's Atonement, the king tells them that he'll give up everything, just so that he can receive the great joy that accompanies eternal life. 

Alma 22:15
And it came to pass that after Aaron had expounded these things unto him, the king said: What shall I do that I may have this eternal life of which thou hast spoken? Yea, what shall I do that I may be born of God, having this wicked spirit rooted out of my breast, and receive his Spirit, that I may be filled with joy, that I may not be cast off at the last day? Behold, said he, I will give up all that I possess, yea, I will forsake my kingdom, that I may receive this great joy.

Isn't that amazing? The king is willing to sacrifice and give his all, just so that he can have eternal happiness which came from Christ's sacrifice and giving us His all. This pulls me back to the thought that our all is a small 'repayment' for His all. This week I've pondered a lot about what sacrifices I've made so far in an attempt to come closer to my Father in Heaven. I've thought to myself, "Surely I've made many sacrifices, I left my life back home almost six months ago!" My family, music, friends, 'normal' food, even my comfortable bed, ha! All small, temporary sacrifices so that I could give my time to Heavenly Father and His great work. However, the biggest sacrifice of all for me has been giving up what I want. Reminding myself that this isn't about me, or what I want, is something I have to do often. It doesn't matter if I don't want to get up at 6:30am. It doesn't matter if I don't want to talk to anyone on the bus. I've committed to do this, and giving up the "I want's" make all the difference in being obedient. Willing to be exactly obedient is much easier than not. In fact, I know I'll be blessed for my exact obedience. I have faith that as I do my best to sacrifice my will, and follow His, that I will be blessed "insomuch that [I have] brought many to the knowledge of the truth". 

With all that being said, notice how I mentioned I've almost left home about 6 months ago? Yep. Next Tuesday. Strange, huh? The good thing is, is that I feel like I'm really getting into the groove of missionary work. It is so fun and brings me so much joy, that I'm perfectly content to just stay here forever to find, teach, and testify. I want to become as devoted of a disciple of Christ as the Sons of Mosiah were. Unfortunately, I have a mother who'd rather have me come do that at home ;) The good news is that when I am home (which feels forever away!) that I can continue on working at being a devoted disciple. At least I still have a whole year to do that here in good ol' England! Oh this Gospel is just too good!

Hey also, about two weeks ago we found this woman named Diana, who has a friend named Franklin. Sister Biggs and I were down right convinced that they were crazy. The first time we went it was just the oddest situation and we think that Franklin just wasn't all there. He kept going on about how in-love with Diana he is, and she'd always go, "We're just friends!!" My fav line that came from him was, "She's the holy grail, I think!" Yes, Sister Biggs and I laughed. We went back over last Tuesday evening just to give it another chance, and it was worth it! We thought we were there for Diana, but Franklin was the one who was actually paying attention and we think he might actually be interested?? Tune in next week to find out what happens next, haha!

Sorry for how long this email is, I just wanted to include it all! We're working with some very new friends, that once they start to actually progress I'll talk about them. We just need to get through figuring out who is serious about learning. Let's goooooo!!

Love you all!! If you make it this far down, send me an email telling me how you're doing, I'd love to hear from you! 

xx- Sister Sellick


1. Our moldy washing machine :')
2. Cake!!
3. Sis. Biggs & Me at Attingham!! (Again)