God Bless the USA

July 8, 2019

After all the 'go go go' of last week, Sister Biggs and I felt completely burnt out this week. We still pushed through, but man was it tiring and hard. I think it might've been Wednesday when I almost had  a mental break down because I was so exhausted. But no worries, I'm feeling a lot better now!

After district council we had a street display! We were all feeling SO motivated to find, and it was so fun! We made a few friends and have lots of potentials. Sister Biggs and I are really enjoying the work and building our teaching pool. It's been very nice to have the help our district and from our Zone leaders. While we were out, Sister Biggs and I saw this crazy man who've seen a few times out on the street. He just kind of stands in front of the shops, randomly strums his guitar, and yells out nonsense. He sounds like a sim... and while he does it he makes these weird faces and smiles with an underbite. We've taken to calling him Falcon, and calling his demon dog Brittany. We figured it seemed on brand for him really to be named Kyle, but we also decided that he rebranded himself as Falcon. I wish I had pics, but he scares me, so no pics.

On Thursday we were headed out to Onibury (for what Sister Biggs and I were hoping was the last time... looks like we found a new potential who lives all the way out there though! Travel out there is quite miserable honestly, two hour bus ride on some old bus that makes it feel like we're almost traveling back in time. Then we have about a half hour walk if we want to get to anyone. At least it's beautiful out there!) Anyway, on our way to Onibury we received a phone call from an unknown number. It was two girls who were requesting copies of the "Mormon Book." They'd been given a pass-along card from one of their friends, and they said they were really interested in learning more. I'll admit I was convinced it was a prank call, because when I asked for their names, they panicked and hung up. Luckily they called us right back and we finished getting their information. We haven't gotten them their copies yet though, we asked a few of the young women in the ward to write their testimonies down in them before we hand them over. Their names are Clara and Hazel. Sister Biggs and I have been praying every day for them. Exciting times! Pass-along cards do work! Hooray for mini-miracles :))

Thursday was also the Fourth of July in case you forgot!! Sister Biggs and I were so pumped. It was funny because several members messaged us to have a happy day and to look around for a man named Paul Revere. We went to this burger joint called 'Brooklyn Craft' and it was pretty decent. I may or may not requested that they play "God Bless the USA" and they may or may not have played it TWICE!! To be fair, the other "music" they were playing was very crude and just noise, so yeah. God bless the USA. We also found some little sparkler candles at the market, and we had a little party that night. Enjoy the pics & the gif I made of us haha.

Saturday we had another Street Display, and that was once again fun. I love getting to talk to so many people. After the display we headed over to our chapel for Newtown's baptism. Yay for Daniel!! He was so excited to be getting baptized. Sister Biggs and I have tried so hard to get a friend to come to the baptism. We'd been inviting everyone we could for the past 2 weeks, it's just that we couldn't find anyone who wanted to go. We also tried finding a pianist from our ward to play at the baptism, but one was away visiting her sister, and the others weren't comfortable with playing in front of people. So I ended up playing. It was nice to get to be there though- I was able to see a man named David who I got to help teach back in Telford! He's working towards being baptized right now, and I'm so happy for him! The best part of the baptism was that a recent convert was able to baptize Daniel. And get this- the recent convert is named JASON BOURN. No e, but still pretty brilliant if you ask me.

Sunday we finally got to meet a family we've been trying to teach FOREVER. We have a return appointment with them on Thursday, and my heart is so SO happy! It is such a miracle for us to have a whole family to teach and hopefully bring closer to Christ :) also, their pug just had babies literally three days ago and we got to hold them!! I've never held something so small. Wild. Enjoy the pics of one of the little girls basically choke-holding one of them. "Let me hold his head for the picture!!" She said. Haha!

Oh, and America won the Women's World Cup!! GOD BLESS THE USA!! So many messages from members telling us congrats. Hopefully no one else threatens to throw us in the river when they find out we're Americans... that already happened once this week after the USA beat England. Yay!

Anyhow, that's my week! Shrewsbury is still just as beautiful as ever and is treating me well.

Sending Love from England!
-Sister Sellick

Pics probs not in this order:
1.Gif of the best 4th of July celebration
3. Baby pug!!
4. Baby pug getting choked out 😅
5. The Abbey
6. The River Severn
7. Say Cheese!