Me n' All My Fans!

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?

Alright, I'll go with the bad so that we can end on a happy note.

We stopped teaching Penny this week :( Oh I was so so sad when we had to. She is moving away and doesn't want the missionaries to be teaching her anymore at all. There used to be such a spark in her, and you could really tell that she was seeking out truth and wanted to learn more from us. When we spoke with her last Tuesday though, we felt that there was something off. Her interest in the church just wasn't there. My heart was breaking the whole time!

Other than that it's been a good happy week! We talked to so many people and so many people actually talked back with us. I know I've been called to England to be with the English, but I've also taught people from Romania, Hungary, Poland, Ghana, and so many more! There are so many different cultures and people here, it's crazy! It's good for starting conversations though. Asking where people are from. I also met two American couples this last week who were just visiting for the week. One couple was from Utah, and are members actually! They were going around to different graveyards in search of one of their ancestors. It was nice to be able to chat with them.

This week we also got to do a fun, little street display in good ol' Welligton town centre. We made a few new friends there, so hopefully they keep interest! We also made a new friend when we had stopped to look at all the geese that were in this pond. The pond is near one our member's home, and she happened to come out right when we were outside. She said, "I have a non-member inside, quick!" We ran in, and bam. New friend :) I'll tell more about them as they progress :))

I forgot to mention this in last week's email, but Jason's baptism has been moved to June 6th! There were just too many timing issues with schedules, so we had to move it a few weeks. It's okay though, because he still is progressing so well and is loving church. Exciting times are ahead for all of us!

Sorry, this wasn't the most exciting email. At least I'm sending one, aye? Thank you all for the constant prayers and support, I really appreciate it.

Have a brilliant week!

-Sister Sellick

1. Me & all my fans (you can't tell, but I'm actually so afraid of them hahahah)
2. Also me & all my fans, but this time I'm giving them some religion :)
3. I'm on a double-decker bus!! So English!