Countess Sellick of Powis

Hi again!

Once again, I don't have too much to say. This week we had exchanges (again!) which was quite fun. I really enjoy my time with Sister Viteri and Sister Palavi. We had a couple super lessons this week also, which made me happy. We were reading through 2 Nephi 31 with Danny on Saturday (Which is a funny story actually. We'd asked him if we could meet with him on Saturday, he said yes, and we TOTALLY forgot to set up when and where! Come Saturday morning, we get all planned out and ready for the day, and Danny messages us asking where we're meeting! Haha, we had to switch a few things around😳) Anyway, we had a great time reading with him and discussing it all.

Today we went to a castle in Wales! We were so blessed to be with Sister Hayes and Brother Taylor again. Soooooo Sister Hayes is in a wheelchair, and I pushed her up this HUGE hill just to prove that I could. Everyone is still amazed at how I didn't just collapse at the top. I guess I'm sort of like Wonder Woman.
Enjoy all the pics of 'Countess Sellick' around her new estate :)

The most important thing to say about this week, is that I've had a total and complete change of heart. I'm not sure what I was thinking, trying to accomplish the impossible, but 'the best missionary' isn't something I can ever be. The 'best missionary' is all might and strength. I'd rather just be a devoted disciple of the Lord and serve with all my mind and heart (along with the might and strength). I honestly feel so different since I made the conscious decision to just forget my desire to be the perfect missionary. Rather than try to become the best on my own, I've put it all in the Lord's hands. It's the easier, and more intelligent way anyway. Ha!

I'm much more happy now, and all is well!

Keep smiling!

Love, Sister Sellick