I'm a Mom!

As in, I'm training! Isn't that brilliant!? Don't get me wrong, I'm actually terrified, but you'd never even know it since my excitement is so much bigger. I will meet my fresh, brand new missionary tomorrow morning and I cannot wait! I don't know who she is yet, but we are going to have the absolute best time together. Luckily I'm still in Telford! 

This week has been the complete opposite of last week where weather is concerned. Rainy & Cloudy skies. I've been wrapped up in a coat and scarf all over again. It was like winter was making a comeback.

Our teaching pool still isn't increasing too much, we've still been struggling to make new friends & find new people. The ones we are working with are still just fabulous! This week, our friend Jason, who has been investigating the church for 5 years, came to sacrament meeting for the first time ever! A couple of the ward members had come up to me before he got there to tell me they were convinced he wasn't coming. I just told them I had complete faith he would. When he walked in, you can sure bet I gave those members the "I told ya so" look! Haha! Jason loved it though! We've been trying to get him there for so long, and now that he has finally come, we've dated him for baptism on May 18th! It's about time honestly, he has such a strong testimony of the church. 

Today we went to this beautiful park in Shrewsbury called The Quarry. This very nice man named Justin taught us how to juggle! He is SO good at it. While he is on a unicycle juggling 5 balls, I'm struggling to keep 2 in the air! Haha, it was fun. In the park there is also this walled garden, and it totally felt like I was wandering around through the secret garden. Many a great pic was snapped there.

This week I've started reading Jesus the Christ for about 15 minutes of my personal study everyday. I'm pleased to say that I am really enjoying it and am learning so much! Sometimes it's kind of tough for me to understand, but I manage. I've loved learning more about Christ and how since the beginning he has been, and always will be, our Saviour. I have really seen my testimony grow over the past week of the need for our Saviour. I'd just like to share the last sentence from Chapter 3. 

"A Redeemer and Savior of mankind is beyond all question essential to the realization of the plan of the Eternal Father, “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man”; and that Redeemer and Savior is Jesus the Christ, beside whom there is and can be none other."

He is essential.

I send my love to you all from England!

-Sister Sellick