I'm an Evolutionist, wanna fight with me?

This week I met the craziest man named Benno. He actually goes by John. We knocked on his door, he answered, told us he believed in evolution, challenged us to a fight, then invited us in after we told him we didn't want to fight. The first thing I saw was his office. Wall to wall Beatles. One wall was covered in shelves full of over thousands of vinyl singles. He had case upon case full of never opened or used vinyl records. He has photos, street signs, t-shirts. You name it! I felt like I was in a Beatles gift-shop. It was so crazy. He went on for a moment, and then launched off on some whole spill about evolution. We only went in because we thought we'd be able to chat with him and his wife about the Plan of Salvation. Nope. So get this- we're apparently descended from chimps, right? Benno believes that we are, but he also says it can't be chimps because we don't walk with our hands... Crazy I know. We then met his wife, who thinks she can talk to spirits. Benno then said, "Come, meet my girlfriend who is in the other room." At this point, I was really thinking he had a girlfriend in the other room. He was so crazy that I figured it had to be true. It was then that I saw THE FATTEST DOG I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY WHOLE LIFE. Her name is Roxie. She looked so unreal I just couldn't believe my eyes. She had this HUGE cyst on her left shoulder, and her legs were just SO far apart. She didn't walk. She wobbled. I wish I'd taken a picture, but instead I had to draw one. I was laughing so hard as I drew it, that some of the lines are a bit shaky. Before we left, Benno told us about the ghost that lives in his house. Strange. We shook hands, and then, he didn't let go. Panic ensued as he slowly pulled my hand to his face, and kissed my hand. Honestly, my skin was just crawling. Sister Ivie and I were just dying to get out of there. Quite a wild experience. 

Other than that, this has been a pretty normal week. We had Zone Conference, which was fantastic. I ended up being asked to speak in front of half of our mission, which I think went quite well (or so I'm told). I spoke on Conversion, and if I had it typed up, I'd include it. Just know it was pretty okay. I always love Zone Conf. though. We learn so much and afterwards I'm always so motivated to be the best missionary.

Not too much has happened outside of that. We went out, talked with people, knocked doors, rode buses, made new friends, the usual. I'm still the happiest girl in (almost) the happiest place! (Disneyland holds a special place in my heart, sorry England.)

Love you all! Have a most brilliant week!

-Sister Sellick