Finally! Taco Seasoning

Hello everybody! Wow, another week has come and gone, and I'm already emailing you again. Time is so irrelevant to me right now, haha!

My first few days as a trainer have been fun. My new companion, my child, is Sister Ivie! She is from California and I absolutely adore her. We get along so well and I'm confident that we are going to rock this transfer and show Telford who's boss. (That's right, we are!) We listen to Christmas music together, drink banana milk together, study great together, and also teach well together. I have been learning so much from her and it's been brilliant. I woke up bright and early on Wednesday morning, picked her up from the mission home, and we've been learning together ever since. 

I will admit, though, that being a trainer can be sort of difficult. I know, I know, it hasn't even been a week, but hear me out. I am responsible for another human being. First of all, who decided that was a good idea? Second of all, ah! I just want to be the best companion, and provide as many great learning experiences as possible for her. The thing is, I can't. I can plan and schedule as many activities as I want, but in the end, it's up to everyone else's agency. Whether or not they show up to appointments or will talk with us or let us into their homes. Still, we go out anyway and follow the spirit everywhere we go.

Update on Jason! He is still just so golden! He's been loving learning more about the church. We had a brilliant lesson with him on Saturday at a members home and it was absolutely super. We taught him so much, but he also shared so much of the testimony he has. At the end of the lesson, we showed him the Rome, Italy temple tour, and he loved it! It was a fabulous teaching tool, and Jason has now expressed a desire to be sealed to his family! He told us his wife has even started asking questions about being sealed. Jason told us she has started reading the Book of Mormon to their son, and watched the Restoration movie with him. As you can probably guess, I am over the moon excited with this progress. My misisonary heart is just oh so happy. 

Another thing that has added to my joy this week, was that I got to go to the temple today! It was SO needed. I adore the temple. The best part is that I learn something new every time.Today I was reading in 2 Nephi 2 and I really liked the end of verse 4. "The way is prepared from the fall of man, and salvation is free." It then goes on to speak of Christ, and how from the beginning, he has always been the way to salvation. I've just never thought as salvation as free. In fact, I've never really thought too much about payment for salvation at all. I thought that was very interesting. Thought provoking even, haha. In the footnotes for "free" is a single word. Grace. I kind of shook my head at myself after seeing that. Of course it's grace that makes our Salvation free for us! Christ has already made up the difference and paid the debt for us. I've quickly come to love the line "I believe in Christ, He ransoms me!" He has payed the ransom for us. We are that precious to Him that He gave His all to help get us back. In no way am I earning Heaven and having to pay my way in. I am most definitely learning heaven. 

So there ya go, a nice little thought from the temple. Great place.

Another fun little thing from this week, was that it was Cinqo de Mayo yesterday! Sister Ivie and I actually found taco seasoning. Like, good taco seasoning. For a while I was in a bit of disbelief thinking England didn't have any and that I'd have to go 18 months without Mexican food. But then, lo and behold, the special buys section at Aldi came in clutch and we've stocked up. Oh baby we are in business! We had a fun little celebration yesterday, and had some tacos. It was quite fun and I am still happy from it, haha.

Well, that's all for now folks! Talk to ya in a week!

With Love,
Sister Sellick