So like, I'm a Vegetarian™ Now? (temporary)

Yeah so, Sister Robertson is actually a vegetarian™(confirmed). I'm only going to be without meat for five weeks since this transfer is a shorter one & she's going home after it's over. Then I'll have yet another new companion! For now though, I'm with Sister Robertson from Seattle, WA. So far I've eaten lots of Quinoa & have had a little hummus. I'm not sure I want to switch completely over to almond milk & everything though... she's almost a vegan & is trying to avoid dairy products now, she's just waiting till she's home to fully level up or evolve or whatever. I dunno, it's a vegetarian thing.

I've really let myself down this last week. I almost made it a whole entire year without getting sick, and now I'm dealing with yet another head cold! Or maybe it's a sinus infection... or maybe it's just allergies... either way, I'm a sniffling, stuffy mess! I've discovered this weird nose spray for blocked noses though, and I can actually breathe while I sleep, which has been a huge blessing.

This week is going to be a good one- and here's why: Zone Conference is tomorrow, & General Conference is this weekend! So much to look forward to. I'm going to be so spiritually high I'm not even sure my body will be able to handle it all. I've heard some weird speculations about conference & I can't wait for all of them to not come true, haha! I'm sorry, but I just can't see Tea & Coffee becoming okay to drink... silly speculations.

Today we went over to Apley Woods, which used to have a cute castle. It's still there, just has been renovated and changed. I also saw a little lake where a man who lived in the castle died because he rode his horse out into middle of it. Mental.

Not much else has really happened this week. We're still talking to lots of different people, handing out a Book of Mormon where we can, and visiting many, many members. I wish everyone around me could just realise the importance of the knowledge I've been carrying around. If only they knew the happiness it brings, all of their lives would be SO much better. I know the Book of Mormon can completely change their lives, because it has completely changed mine. It makes me happier. It brings peace into my life. It shows me how much Heavenly Father & my Saviour have for me. It reminds me of my purpose here on earth, & out here on my mission. It's crazy that a single book can mean so much to me, and all it is, is just a bunch of words. That and the Spirit of course! Preach My Gospel says that the Book of Mormon combined with the Spirit is our most powerful resource in conversion. That is probably my most favourite statement in all of PMG because it is so true! It applies to the converting of others, and the converting of ourselves. Such a powerful book. If you haven't read it in a while, pick it up, and read 3 Nephi 11. That chapter is absolutely brilliant.

I love you all & am grateful for the many emails I receive throughout the week! I hope you're all as excited for this weekend as I am!

With love,
Sister Sellick