I'm Not Three Bad

That's what a man told me out on the street this week when I asked how he was doing. Apparently three is better than two, so I'll take it!

This week has been not three bad. We've SO struggled with finding new people to teach, but those we have been teaching have been absolutely lovely! Two of our friends have accepted the invitation to be baptized! So exciting and happy! I'll tell you all more about them once we have dates for their baptisms set. We are so happy for them though! 

This last week we also had zone conference! Oh I love zone conference. It was a nice time. Learned so much and discussed so much about the importance of the Book of Mormon. All good things. (Except I had to play the piano at it, and they asked me to play the song thing in the hymn book that I cannot play. It was just so fun!!)

I also absolutely loved General Conference! Every talk felt like it was just for me and just all about missionary work. I just wish that everyone that we are teaching could have been there. There was something in every talk that can benefit each of them. I guess we'll just have to share the talks with each of them!

Welcome to this week's little Q&A!

*For everyone asking about Conference, here is how it worked out for me.
-Conference was broadcast at our chapel.
-We were able to see both morning sessions live.
-We got to see the Saturday Afternoon session delayed. (So on Sunday)
-I still haven't seen the Sunday Afternoon session! I'll get to it sometime this week (hopefully!)

*Alexa, I have started picking up British phrases! One of the first things I was told when I got to the mission field, was that from now on I needed to be using more dignified language. Which meant I needed to drop "Cool, Guys, & Awesome." It was a hard adjustment, but I am quite happy to not be saying them anymore! I've started saying brilliant quite a bit and I'm also starting to say cheers more? We'll see what else I pick up...

That's all for this week!!

I love love love you all so much!

-Sister Sellick