You know it's cold when.... have 3 pairs of tights on, 2 pairs of socks, thermals, scarf, hat, gloves, and a huge fluffy coat! The wind here is BRUTAL. Which means everyone is inside, which also means, no one wants to answer their doors to talk to us because they don't want to let the wind in. Yet, I persist.

This week has been quite slow honestly. I don't really have much to say about it. Many, many appointments have been cancelled, which has been no fun. The members have still been so good to us though. They feed us well and look out for us. Except, one of the nights we had fish. Tasted yummy and was well prepared, but as expected, I got sick and was trying to not throw up during the spiritual message, Haha. All in good fun, that's for sure.

I'm happy to say though, that one of our friends we've been teaching has been dated for baptism! Sweet, little Bernice. It'll be on April 13, and we're all so excited for her. I wish it could be here already, and I'm sure she does too! Baptisms are just so exciting!

Other than that, I'm still just living a good life! Everyday I'm reminded again about how great this work is, and how blessed I am to be serving in this beautiful country. Just this morning I was on a bike ride out in the countryside, looking at all the sheep, and just feeling happy. All things truly denote there is a God, just take a look around!

Life is worth living! Keep smiling & making good choices!

I love you all, & am excited for the week ahead! 

-Sister Sellick