What Makes You Happy?

Hello everyone! How are you all doing? I hope you're doing fine :)

I'm still happy and healthy and loving the work!

This week most of our appointments fell through, but we still found other things to do to fulfill our purpose. We did a street display this week out in the Wellington Town Square which was quite fun. We carried a whiteboard from our chapel over and wrote the question "What makes You Happy?" At first, all the unhappy people acknowledged us. Saying things like "nothing" & "I hate being happy." What a bunch of sticks in the mud, am I right!? Eventually we started getting some more interactions and it was great! Really really made my day and made me so so so happy. We even made a new friend named Brandon! He was so excited to meet us & talk to use because he felt like we weren't shoving the gospel down his throat or anything. Haha! We will hopefully be meeting with him next week before Sacrament! Oh I am just so hopeful about this one. Every person we meet we just pray that they'll show up & stay interested in what we have to teach. If only they knew how important it is!

So, what makes you happy? I want to know!

Ooh! Today I rode my bike to a farm and I got to see all these animals and pet an owl that was in the Harry Potter movies!! So neat. I also pet a ton of sheep and it was so fun.

Shorter email this week, but hey, what can ya do? I'll try to make a list through out the week so that I'll have more to write about in my email next week :)

Also, my p-day is on Tuesday next week because of transfers! I'll probably still be here in the Telford area living it up!

Love you all!

-Sister Sellick