So there I was...

Sitting in the library, thinking to myself, "How in the world are we going to get ourselves out of this mess!?" as this man sat and told us how lost we are. Haha, let me tell you, it was absolutely mental. I'll explain more in a sec-

This week was all over the place, from canceled appointments, to being in Wales, to a brilliant 'First Five Weeks' meeting with my MTC group, to buses disappearing, to 'Bible Bashers.' At least the weather has been improving & Wellington is starting to really come into Spring.

First, I started off my week in Wales! Haha there were just sheep, EVERYWHERE. Apparently there are 3 sheep to every 1 human. Mental. It's so beautiful there though, and just so green! I got to meet a man named Jason who was baptized on Saturday! I didn't get to go to his baptism because I was too busy testifying to the basher. Anyway, much like Danny, Jason had been smoking his whole life, and then just quit cold Turkey when the missionaries asked him to. It's been 2 weeks and he's all good! It's amazing how, through faith, they can quit these addictions.

The next day we headed over to Manchester for 'First Five Weeks' which was so fun! I learned quite a bit, and was reunited with so many MTC friends! Solid group of missionaries. Just the happiest bunch of people.

Now, for the fun story you may have been waiting for? All week we've had appointment after appointment canceled on us, not a new concept. A little over a week ago Sister Hales and I sent out a mass text to many of the contacts on our phone, and received a few replies back. One was from a man who had many questions for us and seemed very interested. He'd met with missionaries before and knew quite a bit. We set up time to meet him on Saturday and just prayed that he'd show up. He did. Right off the bat he brought up the Temple Endowment & I knew this was not going to be a fun experience. He started asking all of these confusing questions and tried twisting our words. I quickly pulled out 1 Nephi 11:17 which states, "I know [God] loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things." I used that to simply state that we won't have an answer to every one of his strange questions, but at least we have the knowledge that Heavenly Father loves us. He launched off on me saying that I was probably trained to say that & that we don't believe in the same God that's in the bible. Sister Hales and I both just wanted out of the situation. We kept saying that we didn't want to fight with him and that we had another appointment we needed to get to (with Danny!), but he had a hard time letting us go. He accused us of trying to destroy his town, Wellington, and much like Christ with the Sadducee's, he needed to correct us on our beliefs. We politely told him that we know what we teach is true, and left. All Sister Hales and I could do after all of this was laugh. We honestly couldn't believe how deceiving he was. It was a way good learning experience though. I really learned that no one really can take away your testimony. Even if this man was saying I didn't have one, I sure do! No matter what he says, I know I have a Father in Heaven who LOVES me. I know the Book of Mormon to be the truest book on this earth. I know that the Holy Ghost has indeed testified to me of all of this. I also know this is the one and only true church on this earth, and that it is Christ's. Not Joseph Smith's or Paul's or yours or mine. It is Christ's, and I know he lives! It didn't take a single man- who was rudely bashing me- to realize I know all of this, I just feel like I need to clarify yet again that I do. Don't even try and question it, haha!

After going through that, everything else went well. It was so nice outside that we had our Lesson with Danny at a park :)

Sad news before a little bit of Q&A time.
Sister Hales is being transferred away to Manchester! Ah! I'm getting a new companion tomorrow and I'm still in disbelief that I've already made it through one transfer. My new comp is named Sister Robertson. I'm told she might be a vegetarian? Haha, this next transfer is going to be wilddddd.

What is the best and the worst thing you have eaten?  
- Well Steph, the best would have to be these Moroccan Pancakes we had the other night at a Member's home. It wasn't even English food, but they were so yummy. The worst would still have to be the fish pie. I wasn't the biggest fan, haha.  
What is your fav traditional english food?
- Yorkshire Pudding. For some reason there are a million different types of pudding here? I think you'd really like it though Elena.
What's your fav english slang?
- I like how they say Cheers instead of Thank You, and I also like when people say "Smart" when saying something looks handsome. Also, every time I hear a child talk about someone being Cheeky. So funny.
Do you get to have tea?
- Haha no. That is unless you're talking about dinner time. Dinner appointments are called Tea Appointments. Oh I love Tea appointments! The members here are so good to us.

That's all for this week! Choose the right! Keep happy!

Sending love all the way from England,
Sister Sellick