Finally, the Weather I was Expecting!

Ever since I've left the MTC, it's been all sunshine and smiles. Just absolutely lovely weather. But, these last few days the weather has taken a real turn and it's gotten rainy and terribly cold. Luckily I have lots of warm socks & a warm coat, so I stay pretty dry. I love my little rain wellies because I can step in all the puddles and not worry about wet shoes. You can honestly find joy in anything, even if there is a huge rain cloud hovering over you!

This week started off nice, with Zone Conference, and then ended even nicer with a baptism! I loved my first Zone Conference. Learned so much, and felt the Spirit pretty much the whole entire time. A nice thought that was shared with me at the conference was this: "You have a few years to prepare for you mission, a couple years to live your mission, and an eternity to reflect on your mission. Make it count." So, I'm determined to make my time here count!

As I mentioned above, there was a baptism! I may not have gotten to teach Danny from the beginning, but I still got to teach him, and seeing him get baptized was a happy moment. I felt so full of sunshine. I just want to find so many people and help them have the desire to come closer to Christ and be baptized. I know that it really does improve lives and people are blessed because of it!

-My accent? Well, you see Elder Warden, I talk more in a southern accent than I do in a British one. I'm really good at saying "What" though.
-Lauren, I'm literally still shook that the Jonas Brothers are back!? How dare they wait until I can only listen to Hymns to release a song.
-Mom, so far my favorite thing has just been teaching. I love teaching and getting to know all of these different people. It is so fun to see all of these different situations.

This week I have also decided to include a list of things that keep me up at night:
-Salad Cream & Mayonnaise. They put it on salads, & I'm always just baffled. Mayo on Salads really is just gross.
-Driving on the left side of the road. Still so weird. 
-Our washing machine is in the kitchen??? 
-Vacuums are called Hoovers here???
-No churches here have water fountains. I guess they don't believe in hydration.

That's really all. I'm still just the happiest girl, living the happiest life. Alma 36:24 is pretty much my life right now.

I love you all! Keep making good choices & reading your scriptures! The best way to come closer to Christ is by reading the Book of Mormon!


-Sister Sellick