"You alright?"

Hello to all my faithful followers! I'm still in England, surprise!

Welp, I've left the MTC and have entered a whole new world. The world of Telford. My first area! It is quite lovely here, I really am enjoying it. England truly is a magical place. Instead of weeds that grow everywhere, there are just hundreds of wild flowers all over. I have about 4 being pressed in my Bible right now. Haha! I'm going to have so many by the end of these next 17 months. My new companion is Sister Hales from Utah! Cute girl. She loves to run. Like, really loves to run. Every morning I pretty much die because I'm trying to be a good companion, haha.

My mission president and his wife are lovely people. They are from England and Wales, but have also lived in Australia and Arizona of all places? Every time President McReynolds talks, I feel so conflicted because he has so much going with his accent. Good man though. 

I'm currently living in Wellington (which is in Telford) and It's interesting. The people here are all just real characters. So funny. Different walks of life. Different accents. Different everything! Saying hi to people out on the street in the Town Center is always interesting.

"Hiya!" I'll say to them, and then in return, "You alright?" My brain thinks they are concerned for me, but really that just means ,"How's your day going?" Always throws me for a loop. Also, there are a million pubs here, and I think about 30% of the people I've greeted have been drunk. Fun times.

I am pleased to say that I am serving in the highest baptizing mission here in Europe! This last month they had 14 baptisms! Isn't that wonderful? Sister Hales and her last companion started teaching an older man, by the name of Danny, starting around Christmas time. He had his baptismal interview this morning, and is going to be baptized next week! He's almost 50, the majority of his family has passed away, and he doesn't have many friends. He's had a lot happen in his life and his faith just amazes me. After teaching him the Word of Wisdom, he quit smoking cold turkey- he's been smoking pretty much his whole life! It's been 3 weeks now, and he says he feels great. I am so excited to help plan his baptism with Sister Hales.

This last week in-between leaving the MTC and meeting my Trainer, I got to go to Liverpool! The wildest thing happened- I saw the next King of England? Prince Charles. It was so mental. I just kind of stood there and couldn't believe it because I'd joked with a few people before my mission that I'd see the royal family, but I didn't think it'd actually happen? So odd. 

After that we made it over to go see my boys, The Beatles. It was an honor. 

Liverpool was gorgeous. Lovely city. I'll probably be saying that about everywhere I go this whole mission. Honestly though, can you blame me? I've just got to say, my future husband is a lucky lad, because we'll get to come back here if we ever decide to visit my mission.

Hope your weeks have all been well!

-Sister Sellick

For those of you who have asked where to send letters to, here is the address!

Sister Olivia Sellick
Springwood, Suite G5
Booths Park
Chelford Road
England WA16 8GS
United Kingdom 

This will pretty much be it for my whole mission, so go ahead and send them there and they'll get to me!