Confidence is Key!

Hiya everyone! I hope you are all still just as happy as the last time I emailed you! I sure am still happy.

This week has been nice. I went on my first ever exchange and it went wayyyyyy better than I was expecting. I was really just anxious since I'd never been on one, and I didn't want to leave my trainer (even if it was just for 24ish hours), but I ended up loving it! I was with Sister Paschen for the short time I was in Newcastle, and she was so sweet and nice. I got to help teach the First Lesson to a man who basically invited himself to church on Sunday. He's been committed to be baptized at the end of March, and I'm just so happy to say I got to help teach him and help bring him closer to Christ. The best part by far of teaching the First Lesson is teaching about the First Vision. Beyond a shadow of a doubt the Spirit is there every time, and I just can't get enough! I just want to teach the First Vision all the time. It's pretty much my favorite. Joseph Smith really did see Heavenly Father and Christ, and he truly is a Prophet of God. If you don't believe it, take a look at his account of the First Vision again, and then get back to me. I promise you that I know it to be truth.

A funny memory from exchanges was that on Thursday morning, Sister Paschen made me lead us and our Zone Leaders in a yoga routine? Funny thing is that I don't really know yoga... I just acted like I did, all confident, and made our Zone Leaders do the weirdest things. Confidence is Key!

The rest of the week has been full of good work. We were able to see and teach many of the returning members in the area, and one of the families even came to Sacrament on Sunday! It made my heart so happy to see them. Teaching families is where it's at. I wish I could teach them all the time. This gospel is so centered on families, and I just want to help every family see how it can strengthen them and help them grow to love each other even more than they already do. 

I went on a hike today and hiked up the Wrekin (Wr-EE-kin). It was nice. Sunny. Windy. Lots of dogs. Beautiful view.

Welcome to the Weekly Q&A. A new thing I will try out on this email to answer any questions any might have for me? If you send me any, I'll try to answer them on here haha.

*Do we often have to fend for ourselves? Well Bree, we have tea (dinner) appointments often. The members feed us well. I guess I like mushrooms now? Back at our flat we eat a lot of toast and cereal. I did attempt to make stir-fry (Shout out to Lizzy Doermann for the recipe!) but it didn't go as well as I'd planned haha. 

*Are you alive? Yes Tess, I'm still alive haha.

*How cold is it? Fairly cold. The sun shines, but the wind blows SO much. I am constantly heating up a cornbag when we're back at our flat! Keeps me nice and warm. My coat also works like a charm.

For anyone wondering: YES THE CHOCOLATE IS AMAZING HERE. It is so yummy and I want to eat ALL of it.

That's all for now! I've got to get going. Sorry if this email was too long? But hey, at least you're getting an email haha.

Love you all!

-Sister Sellick